I finally finished my a -z of boats. After loads of research I have a full alphabetical list. I only did 2 colour screens for 2 reasons really - 1. to save time (deadlines are approaching) 2. I wanted a silhouette look for the images so the first colour is quite dark with the line on top.
After Pam's advice I used my dip pen on the screen and cringed every time it scratched across the surface but it worked really well and I got the really narrow line I needed.
I drew the boats from images - mainly google images some from photos - from the screen into my sketch book or on paper and I then re sized my drawings using the photocopier and then traced over these using a narrow drawing pen. Once I'd done that I copied them again and adjust the sizes again and stuck them all onto a A2 sheet ready for me to copy onto the screen.
All in all I'm quite pleased with the results but do now wish I'd tried a lighter colour for the first colour as well as the blue and turquoise.
I'm not quite sure what to do with it now - to leave it and submit it as is or whether to scan the images and create a little Alphabet book from it - all suggestions welcome!
Right now to write this assignment..........
For those that don't want to work it out...
a - airboat
b - barge
c - catamaran
d - dinghy
e - express cruiser
f - felucca
g - gondola
h - hovercraft
i - inflatable
j - jet ski
k - kayak
l - lugger
m - motor boat
n - narrow boat
o - outrigger
p - punt
q - q boat (James Bond - it took ages to find this!)
r - raft
s - schooner
t - tug
u - u-boat
v - v bottomed boat
w - whale boat
x - x bow boat
y - yacht
z - z track